- The 15th Of ShevatWhen’s the last time you wished a tree Happy New Year? The 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat is a great opportunity. It’s known as Tu BiShvat, the New Year for Trees. In particular, one should include among the fruits one eats on this day the species of fruit which the land of Israel is praised for: grapes, olives, dates, figs and pomegranates. RSVP HERE
- Accurate Shabbat Candle-Lighting TimesLook up Shabbat and Holiday candle lighting times for anywhere in the world.
- Israel at WarUpdates, spiritual insights, and more. Read More
- MezuzahWhat is a mezuzah and what is its significance in the Jewish home? A full guide exploring the meaning of mezuzah, its laws, and how to affix one in your own home
- ParshahA comprehensive presentation of the weekly Torah reading, including translations, summaries and overviews, Rashi in English, and anthology of classical commentaries, essays based on the teachings of the chassidic masters, a wide selection of contemporary "Parshah Columnists," audio classes and a "Family Parshah" section for kids. Read More
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- Texts & Writings Read More
- Jewish StoriesHundreds of Jewish stories from the sages, the Chassidic masters, and contemporary Jewish storytellers. Read More
- JNetSign up to study one-on-one with a volunteer for half an hour a week. You choose the topic and time. JNet makes the connection. Read More
- ShabbatShabbat: the island of time that defines the Jew’s week. The rituals, the practices, the do’s, and the don’ts of the Jewish Sabbath—and how you can experience it all for yourself.
- TefillinThe Mitzvah that binds our minds with our hearts and deeds, and allows a daily reunification within ourselves and with G-d. Tefillin: the what, the why, and the how-to.
- TheRebbe.orgEssays, insights and letters, stories and first-person accounts, and an online biography of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory
- Kids ZoneCheck out the "Kids Zone" featuring fascinating and engaging games, activities, stories and more on Jewish holidays and other Jewish topics, geared towards children.
- Jewish Date Converter
- Mitzvah MinutesBottom line: how is the mitzvah done? This section gives you the basics of Jewish observances, short and to the point—each mitzvah in about 300 words.
Daily Quote
"A person does not comprehend the mind of his teacher until the end of forty years." -
Talmud, Avodah Zarah 5b
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Daily Thought
When you look at a human being, you see his hands working, his feet walking, his mouth talking.
You don’t see his heart, his brain, his lungs and kidneys. They work quietly, inside.
But they are the essential organs of life.
The world, too, has hands and feet—those who are making the news, moving things around, shaking things up.
The heart, the inner organs, they are those who work quietly from the inside, those...
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