Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: ... Sponsor A Kiddush In honor of BAR/BAT MITZVAH - BIRTHDAY - ANNIVERSARY - YORTZIET - BABY KIDDUSH Come join us at The European Synagogue Ohel Eliezer for a delicious kiddush after services. Share your occasion with your family and friends at Shul! Lechayim Sponsor | €180 Partial Kiddush Sponsor | €360 Co Kiddush Sonsor | €500 Full Kiddush Sponsor | €770 Co-sponsorship options are available. For holidays and special events, please call for more information. Reserve Now Below! Your Information: Name* Title First Name Last Name E-mail* Please Select:* Lechayim SponsorPartial Kiddush SponsorCo Kiddush SonsorFull Kiddush Sponsor In Honor or Memory of:* Total €0.00 EUR Payment* Credit Card Bank Transfer Credit Card We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Credit Card Number Security Code Name on Card1 - January2 - February3 - March4 - April5 - May6 - June7 - July8 - August9 - September10 - October11 - November12 - December Expiration Month2024202520262027202820292030203120322033 Expiration YearThe European Synagogue account information:BelfiusBE83 0689 5082 1915BIC GKCCBEBBThank you! Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.